
一.常用方法改变iCheck的状态1.使拿到的iCheck标签选中$('#input-1,#input-3').iCheck('check');2.使拿到的iCheck标签非选中$('#input-1, ...,iCheckisajQuerybasedcheckboxandradiobuttonsskinningplugin.Itprovidesacross-browserandaccessiblesolutiontocheckboxesandradiobuttons ...,iCheckworkswithcheckboxesandradiobuttonslikeaconstructor.Itwrapseachinputwithadiv,whichmaybecustomizedbyyouorusingoneoftheavaila...


一. 常用方法改变iCheck的状态1. 使拿到的iCheck标签选中$('#input-1, #input-3').iCheck('check'); 2. 使拿到的iCheck标签非选中$('#input-1, ...

2. iCheck — SonataAdminBundle documentation

iCheck is a jQuery based checkbox and radio buttons skinning plugin. It provides a cross-browser and accessible solution to checkboxes and radio buttons ...


iCheck works with checkboxes and radio buttons like a constructor. It wraps each input with a div, which may be customized by you or using one of the available ...

drgullinicheck: Highly customizable checkboxes and radio ...

iCheck works with checkboxes and radio buttons like a constructor. It wraps each input with a div, which may be customized by you or using one of the available ...

super customized checkboxes and radio buttons for jQuery & Zepto

iCheck supports it for both checkboxes and radio buttons. You can make an input indeterminate through HTML using additional attributes (supported by iCheck).


Provides 32 options to customize checkboxes and radio buttons, 11 callbacks to handle changes, 9 methods to make changes programmatically. Saves changes to ...

iCheck (SonataAdminBundle Documentation)

iCheck is a jQuery based checkbox and radio buttons skinning plugin. It provides a cross-browser and accessible solution to checkboxes and radio buttons ...

[PDF] iCheck

The iCheck package provides QC pipeline and data analysis tools for high- dimensional Illumina mRNA expression data. It provides several visualization.

用iCheck(jQuery 和Zepto) 插件定制复选框(checkboxes)和单选 ...

插件特色. 在不同浏览器和设备上都有相同的表现— 包括桌面和移动设备; 支持触摸设备— iOS、Android、BlackBerry、Windows Phone; 支持键盘导航— Tab、Spacebar、Arrow ...